ifb GmbH
Kleine Seilerstraße 1 | 20359 Hamburg
Phone | +49 (0)40 80 00 47 50
Fax | +49 (0)40 80 00 47 514
A clean indoor climate supplied by ventilation systems: not just for those with allergies or asthma
Hygienic cleanliness and comfort in both private and commercial spaces help to keep illnesses and unplea-sant smells at bay, increase the feeling of well-being amongst employees, reduce the risk of fires caused by fungal deposits and grease, and improve operating costs thanks to the greater efficiency of clean and power-ful ventilation systems.
To allow you to really make the most of these advantages, we ensure that our ventilation technology plans are carefully coordinated with the heating and cooling plans for your building. At ifb GmbH, we can count on our highly trained specialists with extensive experience in precisely this area. Ventilation systems with heat recovery and pollen filters also increase the economic efficiency and sustainability of your building techno-logy. What’s more, they avoid unnecessary heat losses, prevent damage caused by humidity and even alle-viate allergies triggered by dust and pollen, such as hay fever.
Heating costs at a glance: consultancy, planning and heating load calculations courtesy of ifb GmbH
With all of our consultations and plans for heating and heating load calculations, our number one priority
is making sure that you always feel happy and comfortable in your own home. Creating a healthy indoor climate with optimum energy consumption is always a new and individual task for every single house. We address this with a range of innovative solutions and ideas. Underfloor heating, wall heating, overhead heating, panel heating, intelligent SmartHome technology: we design the perfect heat-generation system
to suit your home in line with the German renewable-energies heat act (EEWärmeG) and the premises of renewable energy (EnEV).
For our clients in the field of industry and commerce, we have been implementing heating systems for over
twenty years that incorporate regenerative energies and even generate a profit by feeding back into the na-tional grid.
Solar technology: when and where is it most effective?
Renewable energies make up a crucial component of today’s sustainable energy concepts. Rising energy costs and climate protection ordinances have to be taken into consideration and we all have to work at minimising our dependence on fossil fuels.
At least for Germany photovoltaic systems have become indispensable in this regard as part of an economic energy mix. Planning and implementing this type of system to maximum effect requires extensive specialist knowledge. In addition to the technical challenges, the local climatic conditions and existing building mate-
rials, for example, have also to be taken into consideration.
We design the ideal energy solution to suit your needs, which offers the greatest cost savings in the long term, guarantees maximum independence and is perfectly tailored to your own individual requirements. With over 30 years of experience in planning sophisticated projects and energy systems, we offer you a wealth of experi-ence that looks far beyond individual components.
Your very own boiler system: greater independence, maximum availability, minimum risk in terms of energy supply
Your buildings, industrial plants and commercial facilities all need energy. For this reason, ensuring you have access to it is a crucial consideration when we plan projects. How much energy is required? How is it created? Where will it come from? In many cases, the decision comes down to building your own boiler system and us-ing regenerative or existing primary energy sources.
Cost-effective operation and a high degree of independence are just two of the reasons that make this logical, efficient solution so appealing. Our experience in planning and implementing complex energy systems spans over 30 years.
Sustainable and economic solutions: planning and advice for electrical engineering
Our complex building plans are complemented by independent electrical planning engineers. We can call upon a reliable support network for consultations, planning and monitoring in the field of electrical engineering from the project development stage right through to implementation.